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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Get to know Lickel staff - Alex Frost

Name: Alexandria (Alex) Frost
Hometown: Omaha, NE
College: University of Kansas, Rock Chalk!
Any kids, siblings, or pets? I have 2 older brothers and an incredibly spoiled puppy, Chewbacca, who is basically my child.
Dream vacation spot: The top of my bucket list is to travel to Peru and hike the Inca Trail up to Machu Picchu
Favorite project worked on (school or work): During my last year of school I got to work on a project in collaboration with the business school at KU. They were in construction of their new business building, Capital Federal Hall. Gensler and the business school asked up to design and build a set of conversation furniture pieces for the open lobby ‘Spanish stair’ seating. We got to design the pieces, work with Zahner to do the metal work, and build the wood parts ourselves, and we even got published and mentioned on a few different architecture sites! Lots of hard work and collaboration, but well worth it!
Most watched show on Netflix: This is embarrassing but I watch a lot of Scooby-Doo. Old or new. Either is great.
Favorite ice cream flavor: A little place in my home town called Ted & Wally’s makes peanut butter and jelly ice cream that is to die for!
Dream super power: I would love to be able to teleport. Traffic is my enemy.
Favorite sport to watch or play: I spent a year in Australia and picked up an interest in rugby while there. I wouldn’t want to play, but it’s fast paced and interesting to watch.

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